HKOC Membership Applicaiton 香港野外定向會 - 會員申請表格

Fill in applicant personal data: ( * Must fill ) 填寫申請人資料:( * 必填 )

按此查看入會章程 Click here to read Membership Information

Password 密碼 *

Please enter a valid password. 請輸入密碼.
This password will be used fo ryour future login to this system, please record and keep safe. After first login, you may change the password. 此密碼用作日後登入系統使用,請記錄及保存。首次登入後可以修改。
Password (ReEnter) 密碼 (再次輸入)*
Please enter the password again. 請再次輸入密碼.

The passwords don't match. 密碼不相同.
ID Card No. / Passport No. *
身份證號碼 / 護照號碼

Please enter the ID Card No. / Passport No. 請輸入身份證號碼 / 護照號碼
Name in English*
(Surname, Given name) 英文姓名
Name in Chinese 中文姓名*
Please enter your Chinese name. 請輸入中文姓名.
Name as printed in ID 姓名與身份證相同。
Gender 性別*           
Please make a selection. 請選擇.
Date of Birth 出日日期*
Pleaes enter a valid date (yyyy-mm-dd). 請輸入正確的日期 (年-月-日).

Pleaes enter a valid date (yyyy-mm-dd). 請輸入正確的日期 (年-月-日).
例 e.g.:1970-04-02
Mobile No. 手提電話號碼*
Pleaes enter the Mobile No. 請輸入手提電話號碼.
Home Tel. No. 住宅電話號碼
Pleaes enter the Home Tel. No. 請輸入住宅電話號碼.
Email Address *

Pleae enter a valid email address. 請輸入有效的電郵地址.
Pleae enter a valid email address. 請輸入有效的電郵地址.The Club will send member notice by email, please ensure that the email address is correctly filled. 本會主要會員通告將以電郵聯絡,請保電郵地址正確無誤。
Chinahealth E-Card No.華瑞健電子計時指咭編號
Agreement and Terms 協議及條款:
使用條款聲明 和 私隱政策 - Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Please make a selection. 請選擇. You must agree the Agreement and Terms to continue.